Mass timetable

Our Lady of Victories Chruch

1 Roche ave, Bowen Hills 4006




Saturday     6pm (Polish)

Sunday       8am (English)

                10am (Polish)



 7am (English)


The First Friday of the Month:

7am (English),

7:30pm (Polish)


Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Monday-Saturday  6:30-6:50am

every Sunday        9:30-10am

First Friday of the Month also 7-7.30pm


Fatima Devotion (every 13th day of the Month) 7:15pm


Adoration of the Blesed Sacrament:

every Saturday 7pm till Sunday 8am Mass

every Sunday 9-10am




Masses for the Polish Community in other churches:


Imaculate Heart of Mary Church

98 Darra Station Rd.Darra (dioc. Brisbane)

Sunday -  7:45a.m


St. Poul's Church

75 Ewing Rd. ,Woodridge (dioc. Brisbane)

Saturday - 7:30p.m.


 St Mary's Church

20 Main Street, Buderim (dioc. Brisbane) (just east of the Gloucester Road traffic light intersection)

3rd Sunday of the Month -  2:00 p.m.


Stella Maris Church

268 Hedges Ave., Broadbeach (dioc. Brisbane)

Sunday - 10:30 a.m


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Our Lady of Victories Parish and Polish Pastoral Centre

1 Roche Ave., Bowen Hills QLD 4006, tel. (07) 3252-2200, fax (07) 3257-2383 2025 © Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone