Notice board

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

We’d like to invite you for all night adoration which is held in our church every Saturday night after 6pm Polish Vigil Mass and continues until the 8am Mass on Sunday.

3397 utworzono : 2012-08-19 13:25

Upcoming Feast Days

Lives of the Saints for every day

List of Months of the Year
January May September
February June October
March July November
April August December


3514 aktualizowano: 2012-09-05 04:42
Wszystkich rekordów w kategorii: 2

projektowanie stron www szczecin, design, strony dla parafii

Our Lady of Victories Parish and Polish Pastoral Centre

1 Roche Ave., Bowen Hills QLD 4006, tel. (07) 3252-2200, fax (07) 3257-2383 2025 © Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone