Niedziela, 09 lutego 2025 r. imieniny: Bernarda, Eryki, Rajmunda | V Niedziela okresu zwykłego


Historia Parafii

Historia Parafii


Our Lady of Victories Church demonstrates the Catholic ethos of utilising prominent Brisbane sites with landmark buildings in a time of Church expansion during the early tenure of Archbishop Duhig who sought to increase the presence of the Catholic Church in Brisbane. The church is a memorial to Catholic soldiers and sailors and demonstrates the widespread construction of memorials after World War I. The building, which has been managed by the Polish community in Brisbane for many years, also demonstrates the influx of European migrants after the Second World War.

The building is a rare example of a Catholic Church built as a war memorial to World War I. Many features of the church reflect this initial purpose including glazing, memorial plaques and an illuminated cross surmounting the tower.

The building is a good example of a Catholic church built during the "golden years" of the church in Brisbane as a prominent landmark. The church is a good and early Brisbane example of a Catholic Church designed with in the stylistic canon of Spanish Mission architecture.

Our Lady of Victories Church has aesthetic value; it is a well composed building with Spanish mission elements which contribute to its picturesqueness. It is a prominently sited landmark in Brisbane.he Church has strong associations with the Catholic Church community in Brisbane, particularly Polish Catholics who have managed the building for over 50 years. The church is strongly associated with Archbishop Duhig, who bought the site initially and planned the construction of a church in the newly created Bowen Hills parish.

4019 aktualizowano: 2012-02-10 02:27 czytaj więcej »,

Historia Duszpasterstwa Polskiego

W 1932 roku przybyła do Queensland pierwsza, mała grupa Polaków, która osiedliła się w Brisbane. Był to jednak odizolowany przypadek polskiej emigracji w tym czasie. Dopiero po II Wojnie Światowej w 1949 r. przybywali masowo Polacy do pracy na plantacjach trzciny cukrowej w okolicach Cairns na północy stanu. Po odpracowaniu dwuletniego kontraktu mogli osiedlać się w Brisbane i okolicach np. Darra i Toowoomba. Wraz z tą większą grupą wrosło zapotrzebowanie na polskie duszpasterstwo.


4411 aktualizowano: 2012-02-10 02:28 czytaj więcej »,
Wszystkich rekordów w kategorii: 2

projektowanie stron www szczecin, design, strony dla parafii

Our Lady of Victories Parish and Polish Pastoral Centre

1 Roche Ave., Bowen Hills QLD 4006, tel. (07) 3252-2200, fax (07) 3257-2383 2025 © Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone